└─ 500强名企秋招面经(按行业分类) ->
├─ 4.【Uni独家】咨询面经真题合集 ->
├─ Part IV. Management Consulting Case Study ->
├─ 1. Consulting Case Study Training ->
├─ 5) Consulting Business Situation Cases ->
├─ Business Case Example #5.pdf - 442.2KB
├─ Business Case Example #8.pdf - 337.3KB
├─ Business Case Example #2.pdf - 475.4KB
├─ Business Case Example #9.pdf - 346.5KB
├─ Business Case Example #7.pdf - 348.6KB
├─ Business Case Example #6.pdf - 347.2KB
├─ Business Case Example #4.pdf - 357.8KB
├─ Business Case Example #3.pdf - 340KB
├─ Business Case Example #1.pdf - 367.6KB
├─ BSC Perface.pdf - 331KB
├─ Business Case Example #10.pdf - 342.3KB
├─ Business Case Example #11.pdf - 336.2KB
└─ Business Case Example #12.pdf - 333.5KB
├─ 2) Consulting Case Study Interview Overview.pdf - 382.5KB
├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】1) Introduction.pdf - 316KB
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├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】6) Consulting Guesstimate Cases.pdf - 419.3KB
├─ 3) Consulting Case Study 101- An Introduction to Frameworks.pdf - 449.2KB
└─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】7) Consulting Brainteasers.pdf - 338.7KB
└─ 2. Consulting Interview Training ->
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├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】1) Behavioral & Experience Questions.pdf - 356KB
├─ 5) Questions for the Interview Questions.pdf - 301KB
├─ 3) Consulting - Specific and Firm - Specific Questions.pdf - 351.3KB
├─ 4) Business And Current Events Knowledge Questions.pdf - 315.8KB
└─ 2) Resume & Cover Letter - Specific Questions.pdf - 323.4KB
├─ Part III. Insider Guide to MBB ->
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├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】1. Insider Guide to McKinsey.pdf - 563.8KB
└─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】2. Insider Guide to Bain and Company.pdf - 4.3M
├─ Part V. 管理咨询面试题库终极指南 ->
├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】1) Behavioral & Experience Questions.pdf - 356KB
├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】2) Resume & Cover Letter - Specific Questions.pdf - 323.4KB
├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】4) Business And Current Events Knowledge Questions.pdf - 315.8KB
├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】6) Math-Oriented Interview Questions.pdf - 383.4KB
├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】5) Questions for the Interview Questions.pdf - 301KB
└─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】3) Consulting - Specific and Firm - Specific Questions.pdf - 351.3KB
├─ Part II. Ace Your Case I-II-III-IV ->
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├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】4. Ace Your Case IV-The Latest and Greatest.pdf - 637KB
├─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】2. Ace Your Case II-Fifteen More Consulting Cases.pdf - 911.9KB
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└─ 【公益知识库zscc.club】Part I. 2016 America Best Management Consulting Firms.pdf - 235.2KB
├─ 1.【Uni独家】金融面经真题合集 ->
├─ Uni独家证券行业概览 ->
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