└─ 李子柒高清视频合集1080p ->
  ├─ 11 ->
    ├─ 金黄的季节,载满了收获的喜悦和玉米的香甜Golden season, full of preasure of harvest and sweet corn Liziqi Channel.mp4 - 271.22 MB
    ├─ 趁着晒谷子这些天,鼓捣了一堆温馨有趣的小玩意儿make little funny items in sunning the millet these days Liziqi Channel.mp4 - 370.6 MB
    ├─ 蒜的一生,实在想不出有创意的名字了!下次你们帮我想!The life of garlic~ 丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 - 297.32 MB
    ├─ 月儿圆圆,稻米飘香,正逢农家收谷忙Full Moon, Fragrance of Ripe Rice, Farmers Busy Harvesting Crops Liziqi Channel.mp4 - 319.33 MB
    ├─ 挂一盏观花月影灯,正配这一整桌的黄桃小食 Peach Dishes Liziqi Channel.mp4 - 254.06 MB
    ├─ 当腊味煲仔饭遇上胡椒猪肚鸡你又以为有故事?还是没有!Lap Mei claypot rice pig maw and chicken soup with pepper Liziqi Channel.mp4 - 365.78 MB
    ├─ 当烙锅遇上缙云烧饼,你以为有故事?并没有!When the flipping pan meets sesamecake,you think there will be a story.mp4 - 374.21 MB
    └─ 喝的是茶,过的是生活 Tea is more than a drink, but a lifestyle.丨Liziqi Channel.mp4 - 239.48 MB
  ├─ (面包窑)a bread kiln, to bake a crisp and sweet breadLiziqi.mp4 - 119.95 MB
  ├─ (铜锅涮肉)the soup base to blanch sliced mutton in freezing daysLiziqi channel.mp4 - 135.49 MB
  ├─ (采野菜)If You Miss the Best Days to Pick Wild Herbs, You’ve Missed the Entire Spring Liziqi Channel.mp4 - 211.19 MB
  ├─ (酸萝卜老鸭汤) Eat some meat and have drink in cold days, my favorite --pickle radish duck soapLiziqi.mp4 - 96.39 MB
  ├─ (羊羔毛斗篷)Weave a lamb wool cape for the freezing winterLiziqi Channel.mp4 - 118.91 MB
  ├─ (笔墨纸砚)scholars four treasures– an Epitome of Thousands Years of Chinese CultureLiziqi Channel.mp4 - 190.27 MB
  └─ (笋)Best Time of Year to Comsume Juicy and Tender Bamboo Shoots Pick As Much As You LikeLiziqi.mp4 - 144.09 MB

