└─ 【动画片】Journey to the west ->
  ├─ 生词 ->
    ├─ 01.Journey to the West-words.pdf - 1.57 MB
    └─ 01.Journey to the West-quiz.pdf - 296.88 KB
  ├─ 故事书PDF ->
    ├─ 108. Journey to the West 108 - Rewards.pdf - 4.26 MB
    ├─ 107. Journey to the West 107 - Nothing Is Perfect.pdf - 3.77 MB
    ├─ 106. Journey to the West 106 - The Question.pdf - 3.62 MB
    ├─ 105. Journey to the West 105 - The Thunderclap Monastery.pdf - 5.02 MB
    ├─ 104. Journey to the West 104 - The Tang Monk and the River.pdf - 3.55 MB
    ├─ 103. Journey to the West 103 - The Land of the West.pdf - 4.79 MB
    ├─ 102. Journey to the West 102 - The Prisoners Are Released.pdf - 4.37 MB
    ├─ 101. Journey to the West 101 - Arrested!.pdf - 3.44 MB
    └─ 100. Journey to the West 100 - A Terrible Robbery.pdf - 3.53 MB
    └─ …………………………
  ├─ 动画 ->
    ├─ Journey to the West 108 Rewards.avi - 218.25 MB
    ├─ Journey to the West 107 Nothing Is Perfect.avi - 101.37 MB
    ├─ Journey to the West 106 The Question.avi - 174.03 MB
    ├─ Journey to the West 105 The Thunderclap Monastery.avi - 185.34 MB
    ├─ Journey to the West 104 The Tang Monk and the River.avi - 223.88 MB
    ├─ Journey to the West 103 The Land of the West.avi - 149.25 MB
    ├─ Journey to the West 102 The Prisoners Are Released.avi - 103.04 MB
    ├─ Journey to the West 101 Arrested!.avi - 181.75 MB
    └─ Journey to the West 100 A Terrible Robbery.avi - 144.93 MB
    └─ …………………………
  └─ MP3 ->

